Life is not a journey along a road that runs through plains
alone but one that runs across bumpy and rocky regions as well.” Life is
not a bed of roses alone but of roses interspersed with thorn”. Life has
it’s up and down. There is good time and bad time, and its joy and pain.
Everybody have problems in their life. Problems, be they big or small, have to
be faced and overcome failing which life would come to standstill, goals remain
unachieved, and the person concerned be filled with anxiety and worry. As a
matter of fact, problems could immobilize us into happiness. If we are not in a
position to understand them as they arise and to tackle them at the proper
time, instead of making them our slaves, problems would themselves enslave us.
Hence, there is an immense need to know what problems are, why problems need to
be tackled and how this can be done. Decision making and Problem solving skills
have been dealt with under one heading here, as decision making is itself seen
as one of the steps to solving problems. So, first of all we should know that
what is problem solving and what is decision making.
What is problem?

So, as Albrecht (1992) notes, problems are things that offer an invitation to thought and action, a state of affairs you must change in some way in order to get what you want. Galotti (1999) observes that problem solving is the use of the cognitive process in transforming and stating information into a goal state using specified means or solutions.
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