10 Steps to Improve Your Communication Skills
Skills is a term used to discribe a broad set of skills needed to achieve
two simple objective - To transmit to oneself or someone else information with
the required interpretation and understanding and having yourself or
that person feel they way you want them to feel in the process.
10 basic disciplines to master
good communication skills are as follow:
1. Choose someone you think has
good communication skills and imitate them till you master his or her skill. Then find another person
with even bettermunication skills and raise your level even higher.
2. Hang out with people who have
good communication skills. Hanging out with any lesser kind will have a negative impact
on your communication skills.
Practice Oratory. Everyday, select a word or a sentence(eg
news headlines) and talk to your self for 5 mins on that topic or anything
related to it. The objective here is to be creative and spontaneous.
any book you lay your eyes on which will help you only get better.
you are at public places, increase your sensory acuity by noticing
peoples body language, lip-reading, and observing they behavior ie the way they
interact with other people. Those very skills will help you analyze those you
communicate with.
Set the objective to be nice to every person you meet, no matter
what their attitude towards you is. Attitude is contagious.
Set the objective of every meeting, even if you
meet a person unexpectedly.
If you are
meeting a friend just to hand out, ask yourself "how do i want to feel at
the end of it? How do i want to make my friend feel?" If you want to have
fun - say it "For the next hour, i just want to have fun"
When communicating with a single person or a group, let the other person talk
(and you listen) most of the time. People like to
hear but love to be heard.
Good Communication Skills begin at home. Therefore,
the previous 3 steps must first be applied while communicating with family
Before going to bed, take a minute and review the day. How well did
you communicate with people today? How could you have improved the
, communication skill, doctors, physician, physicians,
nurses, medical malpractice, medical Success is a
few daily disciplines practiced everyday, so practice these steps daily and in
few weeks you'll find vast improvements in the way people respond to you.
10 Attributes of good communication skill
Don't hesitate in Thanking people,
- Maintain a positive attitude,
- Build a connection,
- Watch the tone,
- Determine the desired outcome,
- Actively listen,
- Observe non-verbal cues,
- Ask for feedback
- Establish follow-up,
- Make eye Contact.Activities
- Time taken for debriefing: 20 minutes
- Material needed: A sheet of paper with geometrical pattern. I have attached a geometrical pattern that I have created. You can use the same pattern or create a new pattern.
- Activity: Break the participants into groups of 5. Ask them to select a leader from amongst themselves. Give a sheet of paper with the geometrical pattern to the leader. Give a blank sheet of paper to each of the other group members.
- Take the leaders of all the groups aside and instruct the leaders that they have to sit facing away from their group members (with their backs to their group) in such a way that they can neither see the paper in thier hands nor his expressions. They have to explain the pattern on their paper to their group in such a way that they should be able to draw it on their papers. The leader is also not allowed to use his hands to gesticulate. Do not give instructions about whether the group members can ask him questions or not but during the activity, the trainer must observe whether any of the groups asks questions.
- Instruct the group members that they have to reproduce whatever their leader tells them to draw.
- Start the activity. Tell them that they have 10 minutes for the activity. Observe the leader and the group members and the interaction.
- Stop the activity at the end of 10 minutes.
- Tip: More often than not, the group members are unable to reproduce the pattern. They blame the leader for not being able to communicate well or for not knowing the correct terms for the geometrical patterns or for the noise in the room or insufficient instructions by the trainer about whether questions can be asked to the leader etc.
- Debrief: Initiate a discussion on what went wrong and what worked for the groups, what could have worked well and have helped them achieve their target. Draw parallels to what stops us in life during communication.
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